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A Story of Reconstruction

Gdansk , Poland

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The last months of World War II were especially difficult in Gdansk – not that the Polish city had it any better before then. But the final weeks of the conflict left an indelible mark in the area’s memory.

By the time the war ended, 90% of the historic city of Gdansk had been destroyed. Communications and, more significantly, the Kokoszkowska train line connecting the city with Gdynia to the north were in a state of disrepair. But in 1945, the story of reconstruction began. This story has continued to this day.

At the new Matarnia station, located on the old Kokoszkowska route, no trace of those days remains. Under the huge red umbrellas covering the platforms, passengers wait to get on one of the trains that come through there. The track is now known as the Pomeranian Metropolitan, connecting Gdansk and Gdynia with the airport.

The 17-kilometer, double-track line stretches across green plains that flow into the dark waters of the Baltic. The same Matarnia pattern repeats at each of its eight stations. The stops are hidden under a perforated metal shield, which seeks to connect with nature and modern architecture while acting as an informational panel for the station’s users.

The Pomeranian Metropolitan project, which was developed by Ferrovial, is now complete. It entailed reconstruction on the roads and sidewalks around the stations, new parking spaces for cars and bicycles, and the construction of overpasses and subways, bridges and animal crossings. These features help integrate the road fully into its environment.

Kokszkowska is now only a part of the past, a painful memory that will never be erased. Its successor, the Pomeranian Metropolitan, tells a story that looks to the future, the story of rebuilding from the ground up.

Pomerania, Gdansk (Poland)

Pomerania, Gdansk (Poland)

  • Poland
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