Irving, TX
9.6Miles -
Contract Value
$301Million -
Major Highways
4 -
New Bridges
Webber’s Loop 12 project, located in Irving, Texas, consisted of new construction and rehabilitation of existing lanes for four major highways: Loop 12, SH 114, SH 183, and SS 482.
The project consisted of the reconstruction of 9.6 miles of SL 12 in Dallas, including the renovation of existing Interchanges between four major highways: State Loop 12, State Spur 482, State Highway 114 and 183.
The project scope of work involved construction of 32 new bridges, walls and concrete pavement, widening of existing main lanes and frontage roads. Additional work included grading, subgrade stabilization, drainage, water, sanitary sewer, flatwork, signals, illumination, ITS, signing, pavement markings, landscape and irrigation.
Throughout the project, there were opportunities for problems to arise. This is a very busy corridor with four major highways in the area, so the biggest challenge was working around the traffic while we were building these direct connectors and the new bridges. The team pushed through, communicated and were able to learn from each other about the best approaches they should take.
This project included pioneering operations, not just for Webber, but for the region as well. The project team was able to think outside the box and come up with value engineering proposals that allowed us to find more efficient ways to build the project. This allowed the team to accelerate construction, combine phases and complete the project ahead of schedule. Processes like large beam setting, tandem crane operations and self-performed soil nail walls were just a few of the skills the Loop 12 team learned in order to stay on schedule and within budget. It demanded exceptional technical expertise, innovation and problem-solving skills. The success of such a complex project hinged on ingenuity and coordination to ensure all tasks were executed efficiently and effectively.
The project was scheduled to last 36 months, but because of their hard work and despite all the challenges, the Loop 12 team was able to reach one milestone bonus and finish this project almost a month ahead of schedule and under budget.
The project was bid in an A + B proposal, considering project cost and schedule. This proposal method helps reduce the time that the traffic will be affected by construction while also considering low bid price. Webber’s Loop 12 project has improved connectivity and is allowing commuters to save time navigating this area and avoiding the traffic congestion normally seen here during peak traffic times.
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