CSR program “On the move for water”
The “On the move for water” program is a development cooperation program with the goal, since its launch in the year 2008, of improving and expanding access to potable water and basic sanitation among groups at risk of social vulnerability in Africa, Latin America and India.
Social Infrastructures
Key Data
To date, 34 projects have been carried out in 11 countries, in collaboration with 15 NGOs and their local counterparts and public institutions in the region where the intervention takes place. The total for these projects comes to over 7 million euros invested, more than 250,000 individuals directly benefitted and 121 company employees volunteering in the program.
International Cooperation
Every year we hold an invitation to tender in which Spanish not-for-profit organizations may submit their proposals. Based on technical criteria, we select projects that will intervene in vulnerable communities, in both rural and urban settings, and that seek to alleviate a situation of weakness or lack of infrastructure dedicated to supplying potable water and basic sanitation.
We participate not only by contributing funds, but we are also involved in the follow-up and management of projects. We provide technical assistance and we participate in the project by means of employees specializing in the specific area of intervention. We are more than mere donors.
With work visits made to the site, as part of the company’s corporate volunteer plan, our employees contribute their knowledge and professional experience based on previously identified needs. In this way, we put our professionals in service of international cooperation.
Find Out About Our Projects Around the World
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Rajasthan, India

Um Sangour, Sudan

Paccha, Peru

Huaral, Peru

Lebrija, Colombia
Sustainable Development Goals
Our company’s strategy is aligned with SDGs defined by the United Nations.