Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Our vision is to create safe, harm free workplaces and operations for everyone, every day, and make sure that everyone is heard and that they always stay safe.
Guaranteeing the health, safety and wellbeing of all individuals is simply the right thing to do. To achieve this, we must always question our approach to work. Are we doing it the best we can? Are we prepared for any potential failure? Can we do it better?
Looking out for each other, caring for your team as you would your own family, stopping an unsafe action as soon as we see a potential risk and speaking up if we have a better way of doing a task is how we will achieve our vision.
Enabling individuals and teams to make informed choices, empowering them to take control and establishing a positive delivery through truly competent colleagues, like you, who have access to adequate systems and innovations is the way we do business.
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Strategy
Our principles
- We comply with applicable legislation and standards in effect, with a focus on best practices when reasonably practicable.
- We implement a reliable process of hazard and risk assessment of our activities in all of our work sites, thereby driving robust planning, as well as organization and control measures that helps us move towards a harm free environment.
- We facilitate channels of communication to encourage everyone to contribute positively to our health and safety performance, promoting a safety culture across the entire Group.
- We provide suitable resources and tools for improving the competence of our employees so that they are aware of risks related to their roles and functions.
- We establish and maintain effective health and safety management systems, including appropriate human and material resources to provide safe working conditions.
- We pay appropriate attention to the supply chain, by implementing health and safety conditions as selection criteria for suppliers and business partners.
- We monitor, measure and report health and safety performance on a regular and consistent basis. We investigate incidents in order to prevent recurrences.
- We continually improve our performance by setting objectives and measuring the outcomes of these on a regular basis. We explore improvements through innovation to mitigate workplace as well as operational hazards and risks.