Williamson county, texas
300000sq. yd.
Of concrete paving
Pedestrian bridges
Phase II of the 183A Turnpike Project is located in southwestern Williamson County and extends approximately 5.1 miles.
Phase II of the 183A Turnpike Project is located in southwestern Williamson County and extends approximately 5.1 miles, traversing through the cities of Cedar Park and Leander in the State of Texas.
The project extended the main lanes of the existing 183A Turnpike from FM 1431 to north of RM 2243. This limited-access toll road was constructed between the existing frontage roads – which were constructed as part of the initial phase of the project – and the added capacity consisted of three lanes in each direction with access ramps connecting to the frontage roads. It is located east of, and parallel to, the existing US 183 facility.
The construction tasks principally included: preparation of right-of-way; excavation and embankment; flexible base / cement treated base; warm mix asphalt; concrete pavement;concrete curb and gutter; roadway bridges; retaining walls; drill shafts; rip rap; concrete box culverts and other drainage structures; water quality ponds; barricades, signs, and traffic handling; illumination; overhead sign supports; traffic / pedestrian signal head, pole, and detectors; a pedestrian bridge; toll facilities; and ITS ducts.
The project consisted of over 300,000 sq. yd. of concrete paving. It had over 33 MSE walls built, and 14 bridges. There is a 4 mile sidewalk on the job with 2 pedestrian bridges as well.
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