Democratic Republic of Congo, AFRICA
Months / Duration
Direct Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Budget Provided
The Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the 10 poorest countries in the world. The province of North Kivu has the highest poverty rates in the country: 60% of the population is poor, with most living on less than a dollar per day. Goma, the capital of North Kivu, has a population of close to one million people, half of which are displaced persons. Armed groups, the illegal diamond trade and the continuing armed conflict have made this the most insecure city in Africa. Women and children are the most vulnerable group. The city of Goma ranks first in the world in terms of number of rapes: every month, 1152 women are abused.
The Project
The project will provide integrated support to 200 women and young persons who have suffered sexual violence in the area of armed conflict around Goma, in North Kivu (Democratic Republic of Congo), supporting their psychological and emotional recovery and their social and economic wellbeing so that they can return to a life of dignity. The integrated support to be received by women and children is threefold:
- Provision of a safe environment in which to recover: housing, food, medical care and psychological services for 200 women and children.
- Promotion of social and economic inclusion for 100 women and young persons through the organization of workshops for imparting reading and writing courses and professional training, so that they can obtain the skills and knowledge required for micro enterprise
management and access to microcredits and counseling for setting up their own business. - Promote the eradication of violence against women and children through awareness raising with key actors in Congolese society
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