1. Ferrovial
  2. Resources

Water footprint

What is the water footprint?

A water footprint is the total fresh water used for consumption and for producing goods and services (2.5% of total water consumption).

It measures both direct and indirect water use. It started as a theoretical concept by UNESCO-IHE ISO and was later brought to life by the ISO 14046:2014 standard. This standard stipulates how companies measure their water footprint.

Internal water use policy when developing our activities

Combining this methodology with the principles in The Water Footprint Assessment Manual (WFM) of the Global Water Tool (GWT) and GRI-G4, we developed a water policy to calculate our water footprint. We have been using it since 2015.

  • Compliance with water legislation and regulations in force, and also with the specifications of international standards.
  • Support for the development of regulatory frameworks focusing on efficient and sustainable water use.
  • Responsible and efficient management of water during the entire cycle, facilitating social development and the conservation of ecosystems.
  • The search for solutions to the rising demand for drinking water and the deterioration of water quality due to pollution.
  • Setting indicators, goals, monitoring procedures and strategies to measure and assess efficient management of the entire water cycle and the responsible use of water in the company’s direct operations, optimizing the resulting balance of the group’s water footprint.
  • Support for the development and use of new technologies, enabling a more efficient use of water as a resource.
  • Company engagement to enable access to clean water and sanitation in developing countries.

Water is a limited natural resource that is irreplaceable and fundamental to the circular economy. Ethical and transparent use of water should be a fundamental principal of sustainability indices.

The water footprint of our activities

The Ferrovial water footprint is composed of three indices:

  • Business Water Index (BWI): related to the consumption and waste of water in Ferrovial’s activities.
  • Water Treatment Index (WTI): related to the impact of water treatment activities on resources.
  • Water Access Index (WAI): related to water supply projects within the Social Action Program.
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