Madrid, Spain
Total budget
Research centres working
The MIRE 3D project proposes the development of a management system which will easily show the energy performance of key elements with a view to improving urban energy efficiency.
The aim of MIRE 3D is to develop a management system that will not only provide a 3D view of the energy performance of key elements as a means of improving urban energy efficiency, but also allow an assessment of evolution over time (4D) and monitoring of both public and private investment profitability (5D). Mire 3D is being tested in Malaga.
The first pillar of the project – building – collects all available data, both from open and restricted sources, on energy performance of buildings (both residential and tertiary) following BIM principles.
Simultaneously, the project’s second pillar – mobility – compiles information on urban traffic and transport, likewise using public and private sources, generating a solution which will allow improvement in urban mobility for residents, boost public transport and incorporate new mobility features such as electric and driverless vehicles.
The data gathered under these two pillars – Big Data – is processed to obtain uniform and standard results before being introduced in a software platform for viewing.
The project is part of the INNTERCONECTA programme promoted by the CDTI (Centre for Development of Industrial Technology), an agency of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and is cofinanced through ERDF funds. The consortium, led by Ferrovial Construction, includes Indra, Treelogic and Wellness SC, and research institutions CIEDES Foundation and Centre for Innovation on Smart Infrastructures (CI3).
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