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“A Home for Every Child:” Renovation, remodeling, and improvement of an SOS Children’s Villages home in Pontevedra

Pontevedra, España

Aldeas Infantiles SOS
Juntos Sumamos
  • 12


  • 7


  • 61

    Indirect beneficiaries

  • 48996


In order to guarantee the optimal conditions for welcoming someone into an SOS Home, the houses must be in good condition. This project focuses on the comprehensive renovation of House 9 in the Village of Redondela in Galicia, one of the oldest ones. Project executed in 2019.


Children’s Villages offers an SOS Home to children who have been deprived of the care of their family. These homes ensure that the children have a safe, stable environment. In addition, their emotional and psychosocial needs are taken care of, and they are prepared to lead an independent life.

SOS Children’s Villages has eight Villages in Spain, including the Village of Redondela (Galicia). This Village was founded in 1975 and is the second oldest SOS Children’s Village in Spain. More than 500 children have come through these homes, and several of the homes need to be renovated. In particular, repairs for House 9 are a priority. Six children currently live in this center along with their SOS Mother (reference educator).

The intervention

In order to guarantee that the goals of welcoming children into an SOS Home are met, the houses must be in good condition. This project focused on House 9 in the Village of Redondela in Galicia.

House 9 of the Village of Galicia is one of the oldest and has had some of the least work done, so it practically needs full remodeling. The following measures were carried out:

  • Demolitions and prior actions
  • Masonry work
  • Electrical installation
  • Plumbing, heating, cladding, and false ceiling installations
  • Pavements
  • Wood and exterior carpentry


SOS Children’s Villages does work that provides care for children and youth who are in vulnerable situations. It does so by promoting their development and autonomy through fostering in protective family environments and strengthening their family, social, and community networks.

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