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Liquid detected in lightning connector

What does the message “liquid detected in lightning connector mean?

One of the most common types of damage that occurs with lightning cables is the presence of moisture.

It’s common knowledge that great care must be taken so that electronic devices do not come into contact with water or moisture. The same caution applies widely to electric cords. However, the same attention is not usually paid to cables used to charge electronic devices or connect them to each other.

All cables have an insulating coating that protects them from external elements, but that coating deteriorates over time, especially with everyday use and handling of the cables. The connectors are composed of highly sensitive pins that are exposed to be able to connect to their counterparts on the lightning ports, which makes them even more likely to be damaged. The presence of moisture in any of the components of a lightning cable or connector can cause corrosion and permanent damage.

How to repair a lightning cable that has gotten wet?

When plugging a lightning cable in, a device may display an alert message reporting that there is deterioration in the device (or the port) that may endanger the equipment’s proper functioning. If the message “liquid detected in lightning connector appears, this deterioration refers to the presence of moisture, which could be located in or transferred from the connector to the lightning port and vice versa.

In case that occurs, it is recommended to disconnect all accessories immediately. To verify that moisture is not present in the device, it is advised to let it dry for 30 minutes before trying to connect it again. If the moisture message persists after that time, even if there is no water visible, it is recommended to let a full 24 hours pass with the device and the lightning cable in a ventilated place before trying again.

You should not:

  • Dry the device or cable with a hair dryer or other external heat source.
  • Rub the connectors or ports with cotton, paper, or other absorbent elements that may leave residual particles.
  • Cover the lightning cable or the device with rice, salt, or any other absorbent element that may soil or corrode the connectors.

The only sure way to try to dry a lightning port or connector is with compressed air. Still, it is recommended to get a specialized technician to do so.

If after the error persists 24 hours of drying, it is advisable to try a new lightning cable. If the message continues to appear, you should contact technical service since the damage is in the device.

What other types of damage can a lightning cable have, and how can they be avoided?

Other things that can damage a lightning cable are:

  • Internal cable breakage: this can be caused by handling the cable. For mobile devices, it is common to carry the charger around all the time or use the device while charging; both of these cause deterioration in the cables and can, over time, break it. To avoid this, it is recommended to disconnect the cable by taking it by the connector and not rolling it up too much on itself when carrying it. It is also recommended to store the cable separately in a hard case so that it does not get tangled up with other cables.
  • Disconnecting the chip: a common mistake in handling the lightning cable is pulling on the cord to disconnect it. In the long run, this causes the connection between the cable and the lightning connector chip to break. A break in the connection may also be due to poor positioning of the cable and the device, which can bend and break the cable where it meets the connector. To avoid this, it is recommended to place a spring or protective attachment on the end to reinforce the area.
  • Overheating: using a non-specific power supply for the lightning cable or the device may cause it to overheat and its components to be damaged. Using an incorrect adapter can also lead to contact errors, damaging the cable and the connection in general. To avoid this, it is essential to use cables, power supplies, and devices that are compatible with each other, preferably from the same manufacturers.

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