Ontario, Canadá
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Blackbird Constructors 407 General Partnership (construction leads are Ferrovial Construction Canada and Dufferin Construction) have received the Substantial Completion Certificate for the 407 East Phase 2
This Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain (DBFOM) project in Ontario achieved Substantial Completion ahead of schedule, thanks to Cintra Canada, CRH, the Ferrovial Construction Canada employees, the JV partner Dufferin Construction and others who have contributed to safely delivering this mega-project. Design Build Project Director (and Managing Director Ferrovial Construction Canada) Mr. Gabriel Medel, attributed the success of the project “due to the team of talented and passionate people”.
The safety culture instilled into the organization drove the safe behavior throughout the construction period. According to Mr. Paul Amaro, Health and Safety Director, over 4,717 site specific safety inspections were performed. Over 2,576 corrective actions were created and implemented to improve project safety. As examples, the Project Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIF) rate to-date is 0.92, compared to the average Provincial rate of 3.63. The most recent of numerous IHSA Audits took place in May of 2019 resulted in a score of 98.5%.
With environment at the forefront throughout construction the project included 18 wild life crossings, provides 81 hectares of nesting habitat for Bobolink/Eastern Meadowlarks, 40 butternut tree stems were planted and 12 nesting kiosks for Barn Swallows were installed.
The massive project included 110 High-Mast Light Fixtures, 33 stream crossings, 650 concrete girders, 72,000 cubic metres of concrete, 3,500,000 metric tonnes of granular (Gravel, etc.), 630,000 metric tonnes of asphalt, 10,000 metric tonnes of rebar, 750 workers at peak construction who totaled more than 3,000,000 worked hours from project start to finish.
With a contract value of approximately $1.2 billion, the Highway 407 East Phase 2 project now extends Highway 407 22 kilometres from Oshawa to the Highway 35/115 in Clarington, ON. It connects Highways 401 and 407 East with a 10-kilometre Highway 418 that will serve as a north-south freeway and overall provides eight new interchanges, including three freeway-to-freeway connections. The Highway 407 East Phase 2 is a toll road and owned by the Ontario government that it is opened today.
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