Commercial and Technical Documents
Commercial Documents
Technical Documents
The digital versions can be obtained in pdf by clicking on the documents.
Ditecpesa Triptych (PDF 942 KB) -
PG3 – art.542 – 2008 (PDF 2 MB) -
PG3 – art.543 – 2008 (PDF 2 MB) -
New Mixture Equivalent CE Marking (PDF 218 KB) -
Conventional Bitumen File (PDF 606 KB) -
Modified Bitumen File (PDF 246 KB) -
Bitumen File 20/30f (PDF 584 KB) -
Tyre Rubber Modified Bitumen File (PDF 308 KB) -
Bituminous Emulsion File (PDF 585 KB) -
Non-combustible Bitumen (PDF 42 KB) -
Safety data sheet bitumens (FDS Bitumens) (PDF 166 KB) -
Safety Data Sheet Rapid Emulsions (FDS Rapid Emulsions) (PDF 97 KB) -
Safety Data Sheet Slow Emulsions (FDS Slow Emulsions) (PDF 97 KB)
Ditecpesa Technical Articles
Communication: New test methods included in the CE marking (PDF 78 KB) -
Comunication: PMB with Polyethylene. (tramo Chirivel (Almería)- Límite de provincia con Murcia A-92 Norte). (PDF 454 KB) -
Communication: Additives reducing the viscosity of the binder (PDF 398 KB) -
Communication: Tyre rubber and wax modified bitumen, in M-10 mixture with fibres (PDF 890 KB) -
Communication: Study using DSR and DSC/MDSC techniques of wax-modified binders subjected to RTFOT and PAV aging (PDF 988 KB) -
Communication: Study on the contact angle of bitumens with additives and its effect on the different mechanical properties of asphaltic mixtures (PDF 511 KB) -
Communication: Ring-test study of the characteristics of a bituminous mixture from impact and rotational probe compacting (PDF 1 MB) -
Communication: Study of additives to reduce the viscosity of the binder at high temperatures (PDF 734 KB) -
Communication: Rheology of semi-hot mastics (PDF 1,011 KB) -
Communication: Design of a extruding-compacting device for the study of rheology in asphalt mixture laying (PDF 478 KB) -
Communication: Semi-hot mixture compacting energies (PDF 2 MB) -
Communication: Use of silica gels as zeolites for the manufacture of semi-hot mixtures (PDF 657 KB) -
Communication: Comparative study of the impact/rotational compacting methodology, part II (PDF 2 MB) -
Revista Carreteras: Estudio de ligantes modificados con ceras mediante técnicas reológicas y calorimétricas (PDF 527 KB) -
Revista Asfálto y Pavimentación: Influencia de diversos aditivos para mezclas semicalientes en las características reológicas del betún y del mástico (PDF 2 MB) -
Carreteras Magazine: Study of wax-modified binders by means of rheological and calorimetric techniques (PDF 1 MB) -
Asfalto y Pavimentación Magazine: Influence of different additives for semi-hot mixtures with the rheological characteristics of bitumen and mastic (PDF 2 MB) -
Communication: Bitumen modified with recycled polyethylene, from the yellow container, stable in storage (PDF 657 KB) -
Communication: Hybrids Bitumens (PDF 2 MB) -
Presentation: La generalización del uso del polvo de neumático en carreteras; ¿Qué beneficios aporta al conjunto del sector en España? (PDF 2 MB) -
Gdansk 2018 Paper: nanoestructured Extreme Climate Bitumen (PDF 63 MB) -
Gdansk 2018 Presentation: nanoestructured Extreme Climate Bitumen (PDF 3 MB) -
Supplement – Superbitumens that improve safety at the wheel (PDF 126 KB) -
Research carried out by the joint MIT-CNRS-AMU research unit (2012-2020) (PDF 560 KB)