1. Ferrovial
  2. Sustainability
  3. Governance

Ethical and responsible taxation

Our commitment to the principles of good fiscal practice is unwavering. We carry out transparency exercises on fiscal affairs with our various stakeholders. We apply the governance, risks and compliance criteria contained in the Ferrovial tax system (Tax GRC).

Ethical and responsible management

Ethical and responsible management is key to fostering trust among shareholders, investors, customers, employees and other stakeholders. Tax decisions are made in line with a reasonable interpretation of tax regulations, aligned with different business’s economic activity.

The tax function runs through the Company’s decision-making process, ensuring decisions are aligned with its Fiscal Policy principles as well as its businesses’ economic motivation and reality. The Board of Directors reviews and approves the company’s fiscal strategy annually.

Go to ethical and responsible management information download link

The Tax GRC is a tool implemented by Ferrovial as part of its tax compliance model. It aims to ensure that the company’s actions and operations are governed by clear principles, values and standards. These criteria are aligned with the Business Conduct and Ethics Code and other corporate governance standards.

Good Tax Practices and Compliance Policy

This is aligned with current international tax standards such as the OECD guidelines. Its primary objective is to guarantee a transparent tax compliance model based on best tax practices.

Go to Tax Compliance and Best Tax Practices Policy download link

Our tax strategy is based on integrity and transparency, in line with the corporate values and expectations of all our stakeholders.

Ignacio de Felipe, Group Tax Director

Total Fiscal Contribution

We are committed to complying with our tax obligations fairly and transparently. We recognize the importance of contributing to society, paying the corresponding taxes in each of the jurisdictions in which we operate.


Country by Country Report

The Country-by-Country Report (CbCR) is a tax report providing detailed information on the distribution of profits, taxes paid and the company’s economic activities in each jurisdiction in which it operates.

Go to Country-by-Country Report download link

Best Tax Practices and Tax Transparency Code

Ferrovial’s tax policy is based on principles of integrity, responsibility and transparency, ensuring its tax practices are consistent with corporate values as well as the expectations of shareholders, employees, customers and other stakeholders. Through ethical and responsible management, it seeks to build relationships based on trust and credibility, contributing to the sustainable development of the communities in which it is present.

We adhere to the Spanish Tax Agency’s Code of Good Tax Practices.

The Spanish Tax Administration recognizes our voluntary presentation of the “Annual Tax Transparency Report”.

AENOR: UNE 19602:2019 Certification

AENOR 2021 Certificate download link AENOR 2024 Certificate download link

Tax disputes

  • Promotes agreements with the administrations of the jurisdictions in which it operates.
  • In the event of a dispute with the tax authorities, it leverages the various relevant legal procedures.
  • Transparency in tax disputes.
Go to the Integrated Annual Report (page 442 and following 2023 IAI) download link

EU Tax Observatory Rating

Ferrovial achieved an excellent rating in the EU Tax Observatory’s assessment of transparency and good fiscal practices.

Look up reports by year download link

Ferrovial Ethics Channel

Ferrovial’s Ethics Channel is a communication platform designed specifically for employees and third parties with whom Ferrovial has business relations to make inquiries, raise doubts and present complaints related to the application of the Business Ethics Code.

This channel is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, enabling anonymous communications.

Ferrovial guarantees all communications received through the Ethics Channel remain confidential, protecting the senders against any form of reprisal.

Go to the Ethics Channel download link

Presence in tax havens

Ferrovial does not carry out operations in any jurisdiction the tax authorities consider a tax haven.

Ferrovial’s Key Figures from 2023

Integrated Annual Report Open in a new tab
  • 8.5B
  • 24.4B
  • 5.3M
    Total liquidity
  • 24799
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