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The Company announces changes in the composition of the Board of Directors.

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Published on 07/26/2018

Composition of the board of directors

Pursuant to the Consolidated Text of the Spanish Securities Market Act (Texto Refundido de la Ley del Mercado de Valores), FERROVIAL, S.A. (the Company or FERROVIAL), communicates the following:

The Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held today, has taken note of the resignation tendered by the Director Mr. Juan Arena de la Mora. His departure, according to his statement, reflects his desire to contribute to the renovation of the Board, after having been in office for 18 years.

The Board of Directors express its acknowledgement to the professional and personal qualities of Mr. Juan Arena de la Mora, and its gratitude for his extraordinary contribution to the development and growth of Ferrovial group. He joined the Board in 2000 and was a member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee until 2016, of which he was Chairman from 2002 to 2006. Since 2006 he also belonged to the Audit and Control Committee, being its Chairman between 2012 and 2015.

At the proposal of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors has agreed to appoint by cooption Mr. Bruno Di Leo as an Independent Director. Mr. Di Leo is expected to accept his appointment in the coming weeks.

Mr. Bruno Di Leo holds a Business Administration degree from Ricardo Palma University and a postgraduate degree from Escuela Superior de Administracion de Negocios, both in Lima (Peru). He has developed his professional career at the multinational group IBM. Among others positions, he served as Senior Vice President of IBM Corporation, Senior Vice President of Global Markets, General Manager of the Growth Markets Unit, General Manager for Global Technology Services in Southwest Europe and then General Manager for Northeast Europe, General Manager for IBM Latin America and General Manager of IBM Brazil. He is currently a Director of the American engine manufactures Cummins Inc. A brief summary of his professional career will be available on the corporate website of Ferrovial (ferrovial.com).

Madrid, 26 July 2018

Santiago Ortiz Vaamonde

Secretary non Director of the Board of Directors of Ferrovial, S.A.

English translation for information purposes only. In the event of discrepancies between the English and the Spanish version. the Spanish version shall prevail.


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